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Defining recipient (groups) in the email course element "@Students"

If you create a campus course with option 2 ("Create a campus course by using one of your own courses already existing"), you must set the recipient groups in the course element "@Students" (in course editor mode select the tab "Recipient") of the new campus course.

This post-processing is not required for campus courses that are created as a "standard course" (the first option) and for "continued" courses (the third option)!

Step by step

  1. Open your Campus course from the menu "Authoring > My courses"
  2. Start the course editor mode by selecting "Administration > Course editor".
  3. You will now see your newly created campus course in the "Editor view". You will see an error (red exclamation marc icon) for the e-mail course element "@Students", which must be corrected. The missing or erroneous configuration is indicated in the toolbar by a red number above "Status" additionally.
  4. Select the course element "@Students" in the course navigation (you find this element in the section "Area for instructors"). Go to the tab "Recipient".
  5. Select the option "Distribution to participants > All participants of the selected groups" and then "Select learning area". In the pop-up window that opens, check "Campus learning area" (this learning area includes all members of your course groups " UZH students with booking modules" and " Manually added participants").
  6. Close the pop-up window by clicking the "Apply" button and save the changes (scroll down until you can see the orange "Save" button).
  7. Publish the course by closing the course editor (select the red cross on top right corner of the browser window) and selecting "Publish automatically".