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Step 1: create campus course

Lecturers can find a list of their courses in the "Campus Courses" tab. The OLAT campus course can be generated for each individual by clicking on the "create" link.

New course design since autumn semester 23

You can open campus courses from HS23 as a course type "conventional course" (course type "Classic", as before), as cours type "learning path" and now also as a course type "learning path".

You have 3 options for creating a campus course:

Create campus courses for the next semester

Starting February 1st , you can create the campus courses for the current spring semester and the following autumn semester.
Starting on August 2nd (national holiday August 1st!) You can create the campus courses for the current fall semester and the following spring semester.

Possible problems

I have already created a course - how can I convert a normal course into a campus course?

To do this, click on the "Create" link in the "Campus courses" tab and select the "Create a campus course by using one of your own courses" option. Use the existing course as a template.

I am a lecturer, but I don't see any possibility of creating campus courses. Why is that?

If, as a lecturer, you are offering a course in the current semester, but you see no entries in the "Campus Courses" tab, then OLAT has not yet recognized you as a lecturer. Send an email to your UZH email address to OLAT-Support with the following information: Exact course title (as it is in the course catalog) and your OLAT user name. After logging into OLAT, you will see your OLAT user name at the bottom left under "Logged in as". Please also check whether all the requirements for creating your campus course have been met.

I have already created my campus course, but can no longer find it. Where is he?

Campus courses that have already been created can be found in the "Authoring" area under "My learning resources". In addition, a link to your course will also appear in the "Courses" tab under "My courses" because you are registered as the course owner.

The campus course is only visible to the course participants after the status and the access configuration have been set.

Delegation for campus courses

OLAT users who have a delegation of a lecturer are also allowed to create their campus courses.
Would you like a delegation? Contact OLAT Support.