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Registration with a SWITCH edu-ID

To create an OLAT account and to access you need a SWITCH edu-ID. Members of an educational institution additionally have to link their institution in the SWITCH edu-ID. To do so, proceed as follows:

Creating of the SWITCH edu-ID

  1. Go to

  2. Press the button "Create account" and follow the instructions on the page.

  3. Once you have received a confirmation by email that your SWITCH edu-ID has been successfully created, you can continue reading here.

    Auditors and participants of a CAS or DAS continuing education course do not have to link an institution.
    They can proceed directly with step 5.

    If you are enrolled or employed at an educational institution, you must link the newly created SWITCH edu-ID to your institution.
    Go on to point 4.

  4. (For members of an educational institution:) Call up the linking page provided by your organization. For members of UZH this is the page
    If your organization does not provide a linking page, then you can link directly in your SWITCH edu-ID account (here you can find the instructions to do so).

  5. Registration of your OLAT account: Go to the OLAT login page, select your institution in the drop-down list and go to Login (auditors and other persons that are not a member of any of the institutions on the list choose "SWITCH edu-ID").

  6. You will be redirected to the SWITCH edu-ID login page. After a successful login you will be redirected to the OLAT registration page. 7.

  7. Select the desired language, choose a user name (lower case letters only) and accept the terms of use.

Questions about the registration

What is the SWITCH edu-ID?

The SWITCH edu-ID is used by a large number of educational and research institutions in Switzerland to log in to their offerings and services, such as OLAT. Individuals who do not belong to an educational or research institution (e.g. alumni, auditors and participants of continuing education courses) can create a SWITCH edu-ID account as a private person and use it to log in to OLAT. With a SWITCH edu-ID you have a lifelong and secure identity for all academic services.

Where can I find more help on how to create a SWITCH edu-ID?

Here you can find SWITCH's instructions for creating a SWITCH edu-ID:

Can I have multiple OLAT accounts?

It is possible to create a separate OLAT account for each institution for which you have received login data and which is listed in the drop-down list on the OLAT login page. You will have to add an additional institution in your SWITCH edu-ID account under "Linked identities." In addition, you can create a private OLAT account by selecting "SWITCH edu-ID" as institution on the OLAT login page. Your OLAT courses will only be visible in the OLAT account you have booked the course with.
For example: You are enrolled at university A. An OLAT course you attend at university A will only be visible if you have selected university A from the drop-down list when logging in. An OLAT course you attend as an auditor at university B will only be visible if you log in to OLAT as a private person (institution to be selected: SWITCH edu-ID).