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Defining recipient (groups) in the course element "E-mail"

If you create a campus course with option 2 ("Create a campus course by using one of your own courses already existing"), you must set the recipient groups in the course element "@Students" (in course editor mode select the tab "Recipient") of the new campus course.

This post-processing is not required for campus courses that are created as a "standard course" (the first option) and for "continued" courses (the third option)!

Step by step

  1. First, as usual, create the desired campus course based on your own course. To do this, click on the "Campus Courses" tab and then on the "Create" link.
  2. Then select the option "Create a campus course based on your own course", search for the course you want to use as a template in the list of your courses and click on the title of the course.
  3. After a short time, the new campus course will be created and displayed in "normal view".
  4. Click on the "Administration" icon and then on the "Course editor" link.
  5. You will now see your newly created campus course in the "Editor view". You will see an error (red icon) for the e-mail course element "@Students", which must be corrected. Also in the "Status", the number "1" indicates that there is an error in the course.
  6. Now click in the navigation on the left side of the screen on the link "@Students" resp. on the title of your e-mail course element. You can easily identify an e-mail course element by the small envelope symbol. If you are shown the "Title and Description" of the email component, click on the "Recipient" tab.
  7. The error must be corrected at precisely this point; the information to whom the messages are to be sent is missing here.
  8. For this course element, select the option "Send to participants", then "Only participants from the groups" and then "Select group". In the pop-up window that opens, check the boxes for " UZH students with booking modules" and " Manually added participants" and save the changed setting by clicking the "Apply" button.


Alternatively, you can select: "Send to participants" => "Select learning area" => "Campus learning area". A "learning area" is the combination of several learning groups; the following applies to campus courses: "Campus learning area" = " UZH students with booking modules" + " Manually added participants".
It is sufficient to specify either the campus groups or the campus learning area!

  1. Now you may have to scroll down a little to click the "Save" button.
  2. Now the red icon in the navigation on the left edge of the screen has disappeared and a green icon appears instead. The course is now ready to be published. To start the publishing process, click on the "Publish" icon in the upper right corner.
  3. In order for the course to be visible and usable for your students, you have to select at least "All registered OLAT users" in the second step of the publication process ("Change course access"). If you would like to grant access to your course to people without an OLAT user account (these are "guests" in OLAT terminology), use the setting "Registered OLAT users and guests" here.

Sending mails in OLAT

Please note the current restrictions and rules regarding sending e-mails in OLAT in the article General information about e-mail.