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Step 5: Publish course

The course owner publishes the course for the participants so that they can access the learning content.
The course can now also be found in the "Courses" area.
All members of the learning resource have access.

Publication status
Access configuration

Access configuration for the campus group "_ UZH students with booking modules"

The access configuration no longer has to be controlled separately for the campus group "_ UZH students with booking modules", as these participants are already automatically inserted via the module booking system.

Access configuration for the campus group "_ Manually added participants"

If you want guests, auditors or external listeners to be able to independently enrol in the campus group "_ Manually added participants", the access configuration must be set to "Open". The course can be found using the search function and participants in the campus group "_ Manually added participants" can register for the course independently using the "Enroll" module. In addition, the course must be approved for the "OLAT" organisation because students of the campus group "_ Manually added participants" are outside the "" organisation.

If the access configuration remains "Private", the course owner must manually add the participants of the campus group "_ Manually added participants" to the member administration, as they cannot find the course using the search function.