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Campus courses (UZH only)

At the University of Zurich, lecturers can create so-called "campus courses" for many courses.

The campus course cycle looks very similar to the general course cycle.
The campus course cycle at a glance:

The specific course elements that you can use to set up (campus) courses can be found in the "Course elements" chapter.

Advantages of "Campus courses"

The use of campus courses has advantages for both the authors (lecturers) and the participants (students).

Advantages for the students:

  • After booking an event, the corresponding courses appear in the course list in OLAT.
  • Students who have booked the module via the UZH module booking system are entered directly in the campus group "_ UZH students with booking modules" (the same applies to cancellations).

Advantages for the lecturers:

  • An immediately ready-to-use campus course with a material folder and the possibility of contacting the enrolled students can also be created by OLAT users without any prior knowledge with just two mouse clicks.
  • OLAT receives the data of the campus courses (title, course abbreviation and description and also the participant lists) from the SAP-based module booking tool on a daily basis. The lecturer does not have to laboriously enter this data into his OLAT campus course, but it is available there immediately after creation.
  • In addition, the names of the students who have booked the module (and thus the course) can be found in the campus group "_ UZH students with booking modules".

Difference between a "Campus course" and a "normal" course

OLAT campus courses are linked to the UZH module booking system, i.e. the data stored in SAP is automatically transferred to OLAT and synchronized several times a day.

If you, as a student, have booked a module and a campus course is created for the course, you are automatically entered in the campus group "_ UZH students with booking modules" of the campus course and thus have access to the teaching materials for this course.

An additional enrolment in the campus course is not necessary. This functionality is not available in a "normal" OLAT course. There you may have to enrol in the OLAT course in addition to your module booking. This can be made possible, for example, by means of the "Enrolment" course element.

As an instructor, where can I find my created and not yet created campus courses?

If the campus course has not yet been created, you will find an entry in the "Campus courses" tab.
As soon as you have created the campus course, you will find a link in the "Authoring" area under "My learning resources".